Seven reasons why you need outsourced proofreading services

When compiling reports, putting together promotional material or drawing up company guidelines using an outsourced proofreading service will make these are accurate and easy to read.

Whatever content it is that you need to create having a second pair of eyes to check it over can make a huge difference in spotting mistakes and improving readability.

We all have different strengths and even if writing is a natural strength it is easy to underestimate how tricky it can be to spot errors or improve your own work.

There a number of reasons why using outsourced proofreading services can benefit your business.


Accuracy cannot be underestimated when putting together information relating to your business. Spelling mistakes, unnecessary capitals, missing words, typos – these irritate the reader and send the wrong message about attention to detail. Professional outsourced proofreading services will be looking specifically for these issues and can quickly make the changes needed


When you are busy running a business, it can be very difficult to find the time to carry out additional tasks. If time constraints mean documents and sales material are put together in a rush it can be hard to find the time to double check these properly.  An outsourced proofreading service can help to save you time.

Is the tone right?

What sounds perfectly acceptable to one person can sound aggressive or off-hand to another. If you are concerned about the way a social media message, reply to a complaint, or staff document sounds getting it proofread is advisable. 

Double check contact information

In all dealings concerning your business whether it is an invoice, business proposal, online listing or newspaper advert it is vitally important that the contact details are correct. Transposed numbers and typos in addresses are a common mistake. Use an outsourced proofreading service to make sure the details that really matter are correct

Missed opportunities

An extra pair of eyes can be helpful in pointing out missed opportunities when communicating with customers. Could an invoice have an added line promoting a new service? Or have you made reference to a product but not explained what it is? Outsourced proofreading services could help to flag these up.

Getting to the point

Engaging readers quickly and efficiently is essential. Over-written promotional material or product information runs the risk of the reader losing interest before getting to the information you really want them to read. An outsourced proofreading service could suggest improvements such as shortening the text.

Spotting missing information

It can be surprisingly easy to miss out important information. The price of a product on an advert or specification, how to make a booking, which region a company serves, or a payment due date can all be accidentally missed out. Outsourced proofreading services, such as a virtual PA, by offering a separate pair of eyes not involved in creating the content will more easily spot these oversights.

A virtual PA offers a flexible and efficient service to offer support as and when it is needed, including outsourced proofreading services. This can even be combined with an extra service, such as customer relation management or word processing and editing.

Don’t take a chance that important sales information, company reports or documentation is correct; make sure by using an outsourced proofreading service.

For an outsourced proofreading service you can trust contact New Dawn PA.