7 ways to start 2019 with a clear agenda

Being productive when there is a mountain of unfinished paper work and endless distractions can feel like an impossible task.

Phone calls, emails, data uploads, invoices – these mount up while you are busy meeting client deadlines. The problem is with the day-to-day demands of running a business there is little time to catch up.

Instead of feeling desperately behind as a backlog grows, set aside time to work out a strategy for the future.

As the New Year beckons it is a great time to get organised and start with a clean slate. Try the following to start 2019 with a clear agenda:

Sort out your emails

Email management is important for avoiding missing important information – and for mental clarity. Having a system for reading and sorting emails is a cornerstone of good organisation. Delete all emails that are no longer relevant and answer any that are simple to deal with. Set up folders for clients or tasks and sort any emails into them that are needed for reference.

Try a time-management technique

Many people struggle with time management and are left feeling like there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. If this sounds familiar it could be worth using 2019 to put in place a new time management technique, such as the Pomodoro technique to see if a fresh approach can help you to get more done.

Clear out old folders

This applies to paperwork, emails and desktop folders. Clutter is a huge distraction whether it is virtual or physical. Delete folders and files you no longer need and shred paperwork that is beyond its useful life. Files that you no longer need take up valuable space and stop you finding what you need. Start 2019 with a blank canvas, not a cluttered workspace.

Outsource tasks to a virtual PA

There is only so much we are capable of achieving each day and this is something it is important to recognise in terms of productivity and wellbeing. If you need extra help completing time-consuming tasks ask for it. A virtual PA offers a flexible and efficient service, helping with any number of jobs from bookkeeping and credit control to data entry and word processing.

List outstanding tasks and tackle one each day

That list of outstanding tasks is not going to complete itself, instead try to put aside one day – or an hour every day for a week – to clear the backlog. Sort folders into piles to breakdown the tasks or make a list, then clear them one-by-one. It may seem onerous but it is worth it to start the New Year afresh.

Use an online organiser

There are lots of apps and programmes that allow you to keep files and documents in one place making it easy to access and share work. Many of these also provide the capacity to set deadlines and monitor workload.

Set a time to answer emails/ social media queries

Disruptions are the enemy of efficiency. The constant ping of emails or social media updates is neither good for your productivity nor your state of mind. Turn off notifications and set times to check and respond to emails and social media queries – and stick to them. This will hopefully allow clear working periods to focus on tasks with your undivided attention.

If you are looking for additional admin support get in touch with New Dawn PA today.